Adirondack Park Agency

Public Input Details / Email a Comment

Applicant / Project Title: Adirondack Mt. Land, LLC
Comment Period Ends:   Thursday, December 19, 2024
APA Project ID: 2024-0226
Project Description: The action involves the six-lot subdivision of 155.87 acres to create six residential lots ranging from 9.78 acres to 42.98 acres for the construction of a single family dwelling, on-site wastewater treatment system, potable water well, and driveway on each.

Project Location:  Wolf Pond Road, Meadow Road, and the Salmon River, Town of Bellmont, Tax Parcel(s) 234.-1-13 and 249.-2-1.100
Project County: Franklin
APA Land Use Classification: Rural Use
APA Contact:  Benjiman Amos
Adirondack Park Agency
P.O. Box 99
Ray Brook, NY 12977
Contact Person for Project: Adirondack Mt. Land, LLC
Attn: Michael Black
P.O. Box 616
Long Lake, NY 12847
APA Project Type: Pursuant to ยง 809 of the Adirondack Park Agency Act, 9 NYCRR Part 577, and 9 NYCRR Part 578
Additional Information: P2024-0226 Location Map
P2024-0226 Project Plans

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