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Adirondack Park Agency Monthly Mailing to Members and Designees
May 2013
The Agency Board meets each month to act on Park policy issues
and permit applications. Meetings are open to the public. Prior
to each monthly meeting, APA staff prepare a package of materials
for Members and Designees to review.
Below is a list of Agency Meeting Committees. To read documents
provided to the Members and Designees for the current committee
meeting, follow the link after the committee name. Not all committees
meet each month. A paper copy of the mailing
package is also available for viewing at the Agency lobby in Ray
Brook by the Friday before the monthly meeting.
Mailing documents are formatted as Acrobat PDF, or
HTML files. Be aware that many of these documents may take a while
to download.
Agency Meeting Schedule...
Agency Meeting Webcasting...
Agency Members and
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Required Software:
You will need the following software to view Agency documents:
Adobe Acrobat for PDF documents
Macromedia Flash Player for most other mailing materials
get Flash
Clicking the links above will take you away from the APA website.
Instructions are provided at Adobe and Macromedia on how to download
and install their software.