Adirondack Park Agency

Adirondack Park Agency Meeting Materials for Members and Designees -- March 2023

The Agency Board meets each month to act on Park policy issues and permit applications. Meetings are open to the public. Prior to each monthly meeting, APA staff prepare a package of materials for Members and Designees to review.

Below is a list of Agency Meeting Committees. To read documents provided to the Members and Designees for the current committee meeting, follow the link after the committee name. Not all committees meet each month.

Full Agency meeting materials
Regulatory Programs meeting materials
Local Government Services meeting materials
Park Policy and Planning meeting materials
State Land meeting materials
Enforcement meeting materials
Legal Affairs meeting materials
Park Ecology meeting materials
Economic Affairs meeting materials
Administration meeting materials
Public Awareness & Communications    meeting materials

Meeting documents are formatted as Acrobat PDF, or HTML files. Be aware that many of these documents may take a while to download.


Watch An Agency Meeting

Agency Meeting Schedule...

Agency Members and Designees...


Required Software:

You will need the following software to view Agency documents:

Adobe Acrobat for PDF documents
get Acrobat... The preceeding hyperlink will open an external website in a new browser window.