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For Immediate Release: October 9, 2014

Keith P. McKeever | keith.mckeever@apa.ny.gov 
Public Relations | Adirondack Park Agency | Press Office | (518) 891-4050


RAY BROOK, NY - The Adirondack Park Agency (APA) will begin a public process to consider amendments to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (APSLMP), including those associated with the Essex Chain of Lakes, the agency announced today at its monthly board meeting. The APSLMP is the governing document for the classification and management of the constitutionally protected Forest Preserve lands within the Adirondack Park.

The APA will schedule public sessions throughout the Adirondack Park and New York State over the next several weeks.

APA Chairwoman Lani Ulrich stated, "It has been over 25 years since the APSLMP was amended and there is strong interest from all stakeholders to revise the Plan. It is our goal to conduct an inclusive public process that will address commitments established in the Essex Chain Lakes Complex classification and identify other possible amendments to improve the APSLMP."

"Park stakeholders, residents and municipal leaders have long recognized and called for revisions to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan," said Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joseph Martens. "Amending the APSLMP will result in improvements to state land planning and assist DEC in land management planning decisions."

As part of Essex Chain Lakes Complex classification, the APA agreed to consider amendments to the APSLMP that would allow the use of all-terrain bicycles in the Essex Chain unit and non-natural materials to be used in the construction of a bridge over the Cedar River.

The public will have the opportunity to review and comment on the Essex Chain proposals as well as suggest additional recommendations during a series of four public sessions. The APA will schedule the sessions over the next several weeks to take place in Ray Brook, Warrensburg, Old Forge and Albany.

At the conclusion of the public sessions, the APA will discuss topics for further consideration with DEC and engage stakeholders to identify amendment recommendations.

Following public and stakeholder engagement, the APA will undertake the State Environmental Quality Review Act process on the Essex Chain Lakes Complex proposals. APA will also develop a timeline to consider any other additional recommendations identified to amend the APSLMP.

The Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan defines permissible activities on State-owned Forest Preserve land in the Adirondack Park. The APSLMP was written in 1972, but since 1987, there have been no major amendments to the APSLMP, despite changing recreational activities, such as mountain biking.

The mission of the Adirondack Park Agency is to protect the public and private resources of the Adirondack Park through the exercise of the powers and duties of the Agency as provided by law. For more information, call the APA at (518) 891-4050 or visit www.apa.ny.gov. -30-