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The methods used to map watersheds and wetlands in this project were based on those developed for previous Adirondack Park watershed projects (Roy et al. 1996, Roy et al. 1997, Primack et al. 2000, Halasz et al. 2000).
Sub-watershed Mapping
Sub-watersheds of the study area were delineated for major rivers and ponds with unique
pond identification numbers assigned by the Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation (ALSC) and
the New York State Bureau of Fisheries (BOF). Watersheds were delineated on USGS 1:24000
or 1:25000 topographic maps using conventional methods (USDA 1977). Separate sub-watershed
boundary determinations were made by two different people. A third person at the APA
reconciled and verified the maps using 1:40000 NAPP or 1978 1:24000 panchromatic air
photos and field checking. Final sub-watershed boundaries were transferred to clean USGS
topographic maps and digitized, edge-matched, and joined into a seamless coverage. Air
photos and topographic maps were used for two independent determinations of flow pattern
between sub-watersheds and directional arrows were drawn on paper copies of the boundary
maps. Each paper map was used to digitally assign hierarchical flow direction labels to
the GIS coverage of sub-watersheds using an ArcInfo AML (Arc Macro Language program)
created by Primack (1997) (Appendix 7). The AML assigned each
sub-watershed polygon a unique I.D. number in a data field called 'THIS#' in the polygon
attribute table. A second field, called 'FLOWTO#', was created that contained the I.D.
number of the receiving sub-watershed polygon. In this way, the path of water from one
sub-watershed polygon to another could be followed through the entire St. Regis Watershed.
To uncover inconsistencies between flow direction assignments in the two independently produced flow-pattern maps, the polygon attribute tables were relationally joined using the 'THIS#' field. Where the 'FLOWTO#' field from one of the coverages did not match the 'FLOWTO#' field from the other coverage, the correct flow direction was ascertained by overlaying the sub-watershed polygon outlines over GeoTIFF images of 1:24000-scale USGS topographic maps (NYS GIS Clearinghouse 2000a) in a GIS. If evidence of flow direction could not be determined from the topographic maps, 1:40000 NAPP air photos or 1978 1:24000 panchromatic photos were viewed in stereo. In addition, the ALSC Pond database was a useful source that gave outlet information for most of the ponds in question (ALSC 1999). Differences between the two delineation efforts primarily occurred in areas where there was little topographical variation or where the pond outlet was uncertain, especially where the watershed was isolated and internally draining. After the flow direction hierarchy was finalized, regional watersheds were generated from the sub-watershed map using an ArcInfo AML (Appendix 8, Primack 1988) to select all watersheds flowing into a particular watershed and grouping them.
As a final step in the creation of the sub-watersheds coverage, a field was added to the polygon attribute table that contained the 11-digit USDA/SCS watershed codes (USDA/SCS 1980), which allows the data set to be joined with other data sets that use the SCS codes.
Separate mylar overlays of the wetland labels were transferred from the photos onto sheets of mylar with a Kail Reflecting Projector using the 1:24000-scale wetlands overlay as a base. At this time the wetland polygons on the Mylars were compared with the photo delineations as a second QA/QC check.
The wetland polygon mylars were scanned as TIFF images and vectorized using the software R2V (Able Software Co., Lexington, MA). Vector lines for each file were printed and compared with the mylar polygon overlay. Labels were digitized onto the polygon coverage and sections of the full NWI label were entered into separate fields in the polygon attribute table (data fields: System, Class1, Class2, Regime, Special1, Special2, and Special3). Adding labels to the polygon coverage was used as the final QA/QC check because it allowed for missing or extraneous lines or polygons to be discovered and corrected. After the labels were checked against the original NAPP photo overlay labels, the digitized wetlands data files were considered complete (for additional QA/AC measures see Appendix 6).
The wetlands of the Carry Falls Reservoir Quad, which includes area in both the St. Regis and Raquette River watersheds, were not mapped on the same time frame as other quads within the St. Regis watershed due to problems with availability of adequate aerial photography. Both the St. Regis and Raquette portions of the Carry Falls Reservoir Quad have now been mapped, allowing for complete wetland coverage of the entire St. Lawrence watershed.
Wetland data layers were prepared for three of the State land units in the St. Lawrence watershed currently involved in the UMP process, the St. Regis Canoe Area, the Bog River Flow Management Complex, and the Raquette Boreal Wild Forest. Wetlands maps were provided to the DEC in two formats:
The Raquette Boreal Wild Forest wetland maps aid an effort underway by the Natural Heritage Program to inventory habitats and ecosystems in the area. Summaries of the wetlands data were also supplied to the DEC, and implications for management were discussed.
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