Mean High Water is the average of the annual high water levels over many years.
Appendix Q-2 of the Adirondack Park Agency Rules and Regulations, promulgated in 1982, established Mean High Water Mark elevations for eight bodies of water as follows:
Lake Champlain
Lake George
Great Sacandaga Lake
Hinckley Reservoir
Lake Pleasant (Hamilton County)
Raquette Pond
Sacandaga Lake (Hamilton County)
Schroon Lake
Since 1982, Agency staff have determined mean high water elevations for five additional water bodies. The elevation determinations for the bodies of water listed below were based on either analysis of staff guage readings over a several-year period, or conclusive field evidence.
Cranberry Lake
Upper Chateaugay Lake
Mirror Lake
Seventh Lake
Silver Lake
These most recent elevation determinations have not been codified but are used in the review of permit applications to the Agency, as well as enforcement and/or jurisdictional determinations.
For more information, contact the Adirondack Park Agency by phone at 518-891-4050 or by mail at P.O. Box 99, Ray Brook, NY 12977.