The following information was taken from the DEC Master Habitat Databank GIS server. The data was downloaded and clipped to the 10-mile buffer of the Adirondack Park.
Geographic Data Set: | Wildlife Management Units |
Distribution Constraints: | Contact the Habitat Inventory Unit of the Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources. |
Description: | This coverage shows management units for deer and other wildlife in New York. Wildlife management units are contained in the region subclass UNITS. WMU groupings to be used for season setting for small game and furbearers beginning with the 1999/2000 season are contained in the region subclass WMUGROUP. The polygons show bear units. |
Available: | Statewide |
Completion or Most Recent Revision Date: | 1 February 1999 |
Type of Data: | Shapefile |
Source of Information: | Bob Sanford (Wildlife Services Team, Delmar) provided legal descriptions of the unit boundaries (with changes from the old DMU boundaries highlighted), and Regional wildlife staff provided DeLorme Atlases with the boundaries drawn for Regions 3-9. An older DeLorme Atlas prepared by John Palmateer (Big Game Unit, retired) that had been used in the preparation of previous Deer Management Unit (DMU) coverages was also referred to for boundaries that were not expected to change from existing DMU boundaries, and thus may not have been drawn in the new atlases from the Regions. Hunting and trapping season information or various species (used for PAT item coding related to various special map projects and for definition of WMU "group" boundaries) was provided by Gordon Batcheller, Bob Sanford, and Bonnie Moffre (Wildlife Services Team, Delmar). |
Projection and map units: | NYTM in meters, NAD83 horizontal datum. |
Attribute Tables: | Items (or Fields) in the UNITS Region Subclass Attribute Table |
Contact: | Habitat Inventory Unit, Division Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources |
Documentation Date: | |
Usage Notes: |
Items (or Fields) in the UNITS Region Subclass Attribute Table
UNIT: | The number of the Wildlife Management Unit. |
UNITSQMILES (Alias = Square miles): |
The area of the Unit in square miles (area of water bodies NOT subtracted). |
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