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For Immediate Release: March 13, 2025

Keith P. McKeever | keith.mckeever@apa.ny.gov 
Public Information Officer | Adirondack Park Agency | Press Office | (518) 891-4050

March 2025 APA Board Meeting Summary

Board Hears Presentations from ACORN and ORES

RAY BROOK, NY – At the March Agency meeting, the Adirondack Park Agency Board heard informational presentations from the Adirondack Climate Outreach and Resilience Network (ACORN) and the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Electric Transmission (ORES).

First, the board heard a presentation from ACORN about the findings of their community listening sessions, online survey, and focus groups. ACORN emphasized the importance of connecting communities and the environment when developing resiliency solutions in the Adirondack Park and highlighted the role that the APA plays in achieving that outcome. The presentation can be viewed online.

ACORN will be a panelist for the upcoming Adirondack Planning Forum, which will take place from May 7-8 at Hotel Saranac in Saranac Lake, NY. The Adirondack Planning Forum is an annual conference hosted by the Adirondack Park Agency that provides training for Planning and Zoning Board members and informational presentations about current Adirondack issues, ideas, and funding opportunities. Learn more about the forum and register on the Agency's website.

Then, the Board was provided with an informational presentation by ORES about their regulations for renewable energy siting and transmission and how their work intersects with the Agency’s jurisdiction. The presentation can be viewed online.

The mission of the Adirondack Park Agency is to protect the public and private resources of the Adirondack Park through the exercise of the powers and duties of the Agency as provided by law.