Adirondack Park Agency

2024 Proposed Amendments to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan

This is a periodic review of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (APSLMP) and the preparation and submission to the Governor of proposed amendments to the APSLMP for the management of State lands, pursuant to the Adirondack Park Agency Act (APA Act) and the APSLMP. The proposed amendments include:

  1. Classification of recent acquisitions;
  2. Alteration of guidelines for management and use;
  3. Alteration of existing classification definitions;
  4. Alteration of introductory guidelines;
  5. Alteration and addition of definitions;
  6. Alteration of area descriptions.

As lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the APA has determined that the action will not have significant adverse environmental impacts and, therefore, that a supplemental environmental impact statement is not required and will not be prepared. The Full Environmental Assessment Form, including the Determination of Significance, along with other materials related to the action, are available below.

Public comments were accepted through December 2, 2024. Public hearings were scheduled for October 22, 23, and 29.