Requests for Public Comment and Public Hearings
Public comment is invited for the following projects under review by the Adirondack Park Agency. Notices are sorted by comment period ending date. If a public hearing is scheduled for a project, the hearing date, time, and location will be listed.
February 13 -- Michael & Sharon Serini; APA:2024-0281; Cleverdale Road, Town of Queensbury, Tax Parcel 240.9-1-16.12; see more information or comment on this project
February 13 -- National Grid; APA:2025-0010; Old Piseco Road, Town of Arietta, Tax Parcel 119.020-1-9; see more information or comment on this project
February 20 -- Fulton County ; APA:2024-0210; NYS Route 30, Town of Northampton, Tax Parcel 31.2-1-10; see more information or comment on this project
February 20 -- Village of Saranac Lake; APA:2025-0006; NYS Route 3, Town of St. Armand, Tax Map 23.3-1-19.000; see more information or comment on this project
February 27 -- NYSDEC; APA:2025-0011; Echo Pond, Fish Creek Pond Campground, Town of Santa Clara, Tax Parcel 453.-1-1; see more information or comment on this project
Public Comments...
The public is welcome to attend Agency monthly meetings. A time for public comment is provided at the close of each monthly meeting.
APA Monthly meeting schedule...
Agency Public Comment Policy (pdf 8kb)
Press releases of upcoming Agency meeting topics and meeting locations are usually released one to two weeks in advance of monthly meetings.
State land public hearing summaries for State Land Master Plan reclassifications are posted on the State Land page when they occur.
Environmental Notice Bulletin a NYS DEC weekly publication of legally required environmental notices. See the "Current Issue" page listings for DEC Regions 5 and 6 covering the park. Follow link to "SEQR and Other Notices" for APA notices.