Adirondack Park Agency

Adirondack Park State Land

New York State has one of the oldest land preservation programs in the United States ...

Over a century ago, New Yorkers established the Forest Preserve. An act of the Legislature in 1885 declared that State-owned lands in eight Adirondack and three Catskill View from Indian Falls in the Adirondack High Peakscounties should "be forever kept as wild forest lands." Further, the land could not be sold or leased.

The Act was a notable beginning, but it was inadequate to stop those who abused the land, and the struggle to preserve the forests continued. Dams were proposed which would have flooded many of the deeper forested valleys. Finally, in 1892, the Adirondack Park was created to encompass both the Forest Preserve and private lands in the central region. The State Constitution of 1895 redefined the Forest Preserve, adding that lands shall not be cut, "nor shall the timber thereon be sold, removed, or destroyed."

Fast Facts

State Land Classification Definitions

Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (August 2019)

State Land Master Plan Map

Guidelines for Amending the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan - Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

State Land Classification Acreage Statistics (see the Maps/GIS page for more statistics)

Memorandum Of Understanding Between The Adirondack Park Agency And The Department Of Environmental Conservation Concerning Implementation Of The State Land Master Plan For The Adirondack Park (pdf 184kb)

MOU Appendices A: RESCINDED SEPTEMBER 2023 (Division of Lands and Forests Direction LF-91-2: Cutting, Removal or Destruction of Trees and Endangered, Threatened or Rare Plants on Forest Preserve Lands)

MOU Appendices B: Policy on All-Terrain Bicycles

MOU Appendices C: Policy on Fisheries Management

MOU Appendices D: Standard Snowmobile Trail Bridge Design and Use of Natural Materials for Design and Construction, APA State Land Master Plan Interpretation and Staff Guidance

MOU Appendices E: RESCINDED MAY 2021 (Management Guidance: Snowmobile Trail Siting, Construction and Maintenance on Forest Preserve Lands in the Adirondack Park)

MOU Appendices F: Inter-Agency Guidelines for Implementing Best Management Practices to Control Invasive Species on DEC Administered Lands of the Adirondack Park

MOU Appendices G: Minimum Requirements Approach Guide for Construction of Trail Bridges in Wild Forest Areas in the Adirondack Park

MOU Appendices H: Siting, Construction and Maintenance of Singletrack Bicycle Trails on Forest Preserve Lands in the Adirondack Park

MOU Appendices I: Siting, Construction And Maintenance Of Primitive Tent Sites In Wilderness, Primitive, Canoe And Wild Forest Areas On Forest Preserve Lands In The Adirondack Park

Planning for the Adirondack Park Forest Preserve -- Flyer describing the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan as a framework for stewardship of the Park's public lands. (pdf 276kb)

How do you protect the Forest Preserve?

Current unit management plan (UMP) status

APA State Land Program -- overview of APA staff responsibilities and activities

Find More Information...

Unit Management Planning Initiative at the NYS DEC web site

DEC Adirondack Forest Preserve web site

DEC State Campground Information -- includes a link for campsite reservations

Leave No Trace -- dedicated to promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation

Unit Management Plans

UMP Process Flowchart

View flowchart (pdf)


State Land Master Plan Unit Descriptions


State Land Presentations

Alpine Ecology PDF

Snowmobile Mileage Limits on Wild Forest
view text version of slide show...

Proposed Temporary Revocable Permit Policy PDF



Proposed State Land Master Plan Amendments

The Adirondack Park Agency has proposed amendments to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan (APSLMP), which include adding language addressing accessibility, climate change, and visitor use management in the Forest Preserve. Learn more here.


Staff map documenting 1972 snowmobile trail use on Forest Preserve

The map was prepared by Agency staff to document the extent of snowmobile trails designated by the DEC on Forest Preserve in 1972 at the time of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan's adoption. The maps in the DEC 1972 snowmobile brochure entitled "Snowmobile Trails in New York" LF-P2 (10/72) were digitized at a scale of 1:24,000 utilizing best available sources for confirmation of trail locations. The resulting park-wide map indicates that an estimated 743 miles of designated snowmobile trails existed on Forest Preserve in 1972. see map...

Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan Map
June 1972 edition
of the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan Map

Low-Flying Military Aircraft in the Adirondacks

Proposed New York Air National Guard Adirondack Range Airspace Modifications...

NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs information...


"The lands now or hereafter constituting the Forest Preserve shall be forever kept as wild forest lands. They shall not be sold, nor shall they be leased or taken by any person or corporation, public or private."
-- New York State Legislature, May 15, 1885