Adirondack Park Agency

Forms used by the Adirondack Park Agency

The Agency will now only accept applications and related submissions electronically.  Applicants are directed to send applications and submissions by email to  All applications and submissions should be in PDF or similar format and be legible. Electronic copies of plans must be fully scalable. Applications must contain scans of signatures affixed by hand or electronic signatures consistent with the Electronic Signatures and Records Act. 
Please submit all jurisdictional inquiries to  If unable to submit via email, hard copy submissions will be accepted but due to current circumstances delays may occur.


Click a heading below to view Agency forms.

Jurisdictional Inquiry    (Do I need a permit?)

Jurisdictional Inquiry Form

Use this form to find out if you need to apply for a permit.  The new electronic jurisdictional inquiry form cannot be completed online.  Instead, to complete the Agency's electronic jurisdictional inquiry form please download the form, fill it out completely, sign electronically per the instructions provided, save the form, attach a copy plus any other required documents to an email, and submit to If you are unable to submit via email, hard copy submissions are accepted, although delays may occur.

Download form: Jurisdictional Inquiry Form (JIF)

Help Information

For more information on this topic, see the Property Owners section of our web site.

Wetland Delineations -The Agency will determine wetland jurisdiction or confirm the boundary of agency-jurisdictional wetlands delineated by an ecological consultant when new land use and development is proposed in proximity to known or suspected wetlands. If you are not proposing new land use or development, you may consult this list of wetland delineation/ ecological consultants.

Subdivision, House, Cabin   Permit Applications
Shoreline Variance Application
Water, Wetland   Permit Applications

See Also: General Permit Applications for additional expedited permit options related to wetlands.

Tower, Antenna Permit Applications

See Also: General Permit Applications for additional expedited permit options related to towers.

General Permit Applications

General Permits authorize an expedited Agency review process for the following activities:

Activities Involving Towers

Activities Involving Wetlands

Other Activities

Permit Amendments

Permit Amendments

This application is for an amendment to an existing Adirondack Park Agency permit.

Download form: Permit Amendment Request

Preapplication Request

Preapplication Request

Please submit this form if you would like to consult with Agency staff prior to submission of an application.

Download form: Preapplication Request

Map Amendment

Map Amendment Application

Application to amend the Official Adirondack Park Land Use And Development Plan zoning map.

Download form: Map Amendment Application Form



Development projects in New York State

As with any development project in New York State, more than one permit may be required for your proposed activity. more...

Please check with other state agencies and your local town or village office about other regulations that may apply to your project.


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

New York State Department of Health


Before spending time filling out any forms, it's best to check with the APA to determine what forms may apply to your project.
For more help, contact us, or see
the Property Owners section, the Citizen's Guide, or documents in Flyers, Guidelines, or Laws, Regulations and Standards.

General help for downloading and printing forms.

Filling out forms as completely as possible will aid in a more timely review. For assistance in filling out your forms, please see the instruction booklets indicated in the descriptive list of forms.